This is a good day for reviewing projects and endeavors in your life with an eye on what may need improvement, dear Gemini.

It’s not a good time for all-new beginnings for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is a Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow that’s set to redirect you along a new path.

New energy is coming your way with this eclipse, which can boost your motivation and possibly turn your attention to exciting endeavors. You may want to keep a check on your communications today, particularly with a tendency to say too much or to come to conclusions too quickly.

You may come up with interesting ideas, but the discipline to follow through on them may be lacking.

That’s just fine for now it’s not the time to bank on things, anyhow, so stretch your mind and enjoy yourself as you do. Today is best for winding down and reflecting or laying things to rest.

A New Moon, whether an eclipsing New Moon or not, is always a time for new beginnings. While today’s solar eclipse in your communication sector is definitely an auspicious time for new beginnings, to start new conversations and for anything new on the communication front, the doors are also open to the past and second chances.

The Sun and Moon are both aligned with Mercury, while the planet of communication is in retrograde motion. This comes with a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

You don’t need any extra stimulants to get your heart racing today. In fact, avoiding anything that fires up your nervous system is smart unless you want to stress out.

Things happen so quickly now that it is more than enough to simply observe all the moving pieces and wait your turn. Summon your courage to wrangle through any form of misunderstanding.

Retrospectively, you might realize what was said was wrong, but it is never too late to correct it. Taking the high road leads to peace.

Today’s Quote: “If daily you feel a sense of gratitude for the blessings of this life it will be a cushion & buffer when challenges arise.”

Creativity: Fair

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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