A Sun-Uranus square today is potentially disruptive, but if worked with, can benefit you, dear Gemini.
It’s the last such square that affects your friendship and intimacy sectors, which have been hot trigger spots for the past seven years.
There can be some resolution in sight regarding a conflict between intimate feelings and idealism or clashes between your needs for intimacy and your desire for an accepting friendship.
As well today, your ruler, Mercury, aligns with Pluto, suggesting thoughts or conversations and ideas occurring that transform your life in some manner, such that the potential for making meaningful changes now, even just the beginning rumbles of such change, is strong.
Consider ways to improve your life related to your dependencies on people or things. If you’re feeling especially tense or restless, try to channel excess energy into pushing forward a project or something else that’s productive and serves you well.
Investigating new approaches and experimenting with new methods can satisfy an itch for doing something different and unusual. While it can seem natural to part with things or even people now, wait until you’ve thought things through.
Breaking a commitment or promise now could have consequences. Keep in mind that conversations and thoughts need not go to negative places to find answers.
What’s most important now is that you learn more about yourself and your desires and feelings so that you can make better decisions going forward.
Someone else’s indifference to something important to you can be frustrating. Try as you may to forget about this sleight and move on, it nags at the edges of your consciousness today.
It might make a difference if you express your feelings and endeavor to make your point. But then again, maybe not.
Either way, there are questions to ask yourself before choosing whether to let this issue go or to pursue it. And you are the only one that can provide the right answer. Look into your heart and ye shall find.
The Moon’s final hours in Gemini make it important to start the day listening to your intuition, while letting your emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses run their course.
Yet the Moon will end the day in your income sector and the timing couldn’t be better.
The Moon returns just as Ceres moves into her final week in your work sector and as she is moving into one last alignment with forces on the career front. There couldn’t be a more important time for a sharp nose for money to kick in.
Today’s Quote: “We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.”
Lucky Numbers: 10, 11, 28, 31, 34, 38
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent