If you’re craving some quiet, dear Gemini, the Moon’s move into your home and family sector early today can be most welcome.
Family relationships tend to thrive today, particularly if you focus on shared routines and activities that promote improved organization.
You could be tempted to take a gamble with Venus in your sector of fun and games in challenging aspect to Neptune today, however.
If the stakes are high, try to resist, as you’re temporarily unable to see objects, money, and relationships very clearly. Wishful or fearful thinking can fog up your vision with these things just for now.
While you may need to inject some imagination into what you’re doing to keep things engaging, you’re in good shape for getting a nice routine going.
Take time to fully understand someone’s message today, rather than anticipating in advance what you think they are going to tell you. In fact, it’s a mistake to focus too much on the impact of your reply.
If you are confident of your opinions, you can be open to a mind-expanding conversation without defensiveness or touchiness. Ask questions instead of relying on assumptions.
There is nothing that Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos likes more than a bit of competition, for that is what his passion for adventure is facing.
Mars is having to compete with Jupiter’s final days in your work sector and the fact that he himself is less than two weeks away from firing things up professionally.
Knowing that this professional year will only get busier, Mars is urging you to fight to create a balance between work and play, while you’re still able to have both.
Today’s Quote: “Nobody has a perfect life. Everybody has their own problems. Some people just know how to deal with it in a better way.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 31, 32, 36, 38, 43
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair