Today holds some wonderful energy for laying low and enjoying some private or personal time, dear Gemini.

The Moon spends the day in the sign behind yours, signaling that the lunar cycle is coming to an end in your solar chart and it’s time to tie up some loose ends.

Even so, you’re in a good position to push your goals forward, and the key may be to put the negative things that have accumulated over the past while behind you. Seek out a little more peace and find ways to detox from the usual daily grind.

Tomorrow, the Moon will enter Gemini, and you’ll be excited to pull out of your shell, but until then, aim to release rather than build tension. Finding a balance between working and resting will do you some good now.

One of your creations may be under attack now, for it relies on a lost memory that is resurfacing as an original idea. Unfortunately, its origins might lie in someone else’s work.

The line between self-expression and plagiarism can be thin if you forget about the source altogether.

Nevertheless, if you run into surprise accusations, be honest about your mistake. As long as you were not doing anything deliberate, your good intentions will work wonders to dissolve the discord.

The Moon’s return to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart is always an important point in each month where you have a chance to pull back.

With 2018 an especially busy year, not just on the job front but with everything that keeps you busy, this has been a valuable push to pull back, finding time to hear yourself think.

And push this has to do, to a point where this might create some tension or pressure today.

Yet any push back is more likely to be coming from you, with even busy forces recognizing a need to pace yourself.

Today’s Quote: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” – Mother Teresa

Lucky Numbers: 17, 30, 37, 40, 41, 44

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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