Perhaps through a bit of discomfort, you free yourself up to move forward now, dear Gemini, as Venus and Uranus form a trine aspect.
The idea or anticipation of a situation may cause worry or concern, but once it comes to life, it’s far less sinister than you imagined.
You can be wonderfully surprised now, and you’re inclined to feel lighter and happier as a result. Knowing you can handle just about anything that life throws at you builds confidence. As you connect and reach out, you invite interesting people into your life.
Friends tend to support you, and you’re quick to return the favor. While it’s not necessarily a day for making commitments, it’s a good one for expanding your reach and entertaining new pleasures or ways of relating that benefit all concerned.
There can be a liberating feeling regarding friendship and partnership. You might entertain the possibility of a working collaboration or a shared chore or task that helps cement a bond in the coming days.
Your natural talents are framed well and supported through teaming up or going one on one.
Your desire to discover what lies at the root of an issue keeps you preoccupied today. Your singular focus may cause your friends to grow annoyed with you.
The truth is there are only so many free hours during the day, and you must spend them wisely. Your investigation takes precedence now.
Thankfully, your partner or best friend could step in to smooth out the tense social situation with ease and grace. Keep digging for a golden result and you will get to the bottom of something important. Cherish the treasure you find.
For the first time in over 16 months, you have a chance to keep your work hat off over the weekend.
Yet with Mercury returning to your work sector at the end of next week, the professional gods are simply packing up and shifting their focus there.
This makes it important to make the most of any time out, and a chance to recharge your batteries ahead of another wave.
Today’s Quote: “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”
Lucky Numbers: 13, 18, 26, 34, 42, 46
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Good
Business: Excellent