There is a particular focus on your close personal relationships today, dear Gemini, and they are likely to be quite pleasing and appealing.
There is much warmth as well as a subtle air of acceptance in the energies of the day. You can feel especially protected by, and protective of, loved ones, and this can improve your bond.
If you need to repair or refresh relations with family or co-workers, it’s a great time for doing so, or for doing an especially good job and feeling great about your accomplishments.
Generosity and openness are favored now, both personally and professionally. You can be finding ways to bring increased pleasantness to your routines, work, or home life, and it’s a fine time for home decorating or creative work.
Going the extra mile at home or in your business can be satisfying, and possibly also profitable!
Create the container to cultivate true freedom. Your gallivanting ways are only so sustainable, especially when others are reliant on you.
A lack of integrity with the small things translates to how you handle the bigger things in life. Everyone gets the same 24 hours in a day.
Establish order in your day in the morning and set yourself up for next-day greatness the night before. Your power will grow exponentially if you make a concerted effort to organize your life.
With the Moon in your work sector as the Sun spends his last full day in your income sector, there is a need to keep your work and money hats on over the weekend.
However, the Moon’s first visit since Jupiter’s direct turn is a chance to give work and job matters that have been stalled for over four months a push, just as the Sun is steering things in a lucrative direction.
This is more a chance to focus on the big picture rather than getting down in the weeds.
Today’s Quote: “Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.”
Lucky Numbers: 11, 13, 16, 42, 44, 47
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Excellent