You’re in an excellent position for activities that help you let go of problems, detox, and de-stress, dear Libra, whether it’s about doing something you genuinely enjoy or deciding to get over an issue that has been blocking a relationship or stopping up your emotions.

Your appeal is enhanced with a conciliatory approach to others now as Venus, your ruler, currently hidden in your privacy sector, connects harmoniously with generous, lucky Jupiter.

You could be supporting someone anonymously or from behind the scenes, making willing sacrifices, and feeling useful and happy for helping out.

If you’re more interested in contributing than scoring points, you’ll be in the best position now.

Business matters can also thrive today, as there is a natural flow to your plans and a relaxed, accepting manner about recent stressful or complicated happenings.

Hold off on spilling the beans about your future plans today. It’s easy to trick your brain into thinking you’ve done something when you’ve only spoken about it, especially when you send it over your social media and get others hyped up about your ideas.

Use the current cosmic energy to buckle down and focus on bringing your masterpiece to life. Proudly sharing your process and your creation at the same time gives you a deeper sense of accomplishment. Experience breeds respect.

Weekend or not, with the Sun in his last full day in your career sector and the Moon making its first visit to your income sector since Jupiter’s direct turn, there is a need to keep your money and professional hats on.

From tomorrow, with Neptune in retrograde motion in your work sector the professional pace will ease back, with the Sun’s last full day more about identifying a path forward and a general sense of direction. At this stage, an authentic starting point is all you need.

Today’s Quote: “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 10, 20, 24, 37, 49

Daily Compatibility: Gemini

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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