With Mars in your career and reputation sector, dear Gemini, you’re feeling more ambitious these days, and with its connection to Pluto now, either people or circumstances seem to work entirely in your favor.

You are exceptionally detail-oriented, and with research and analysis, you can solve a difficult problem. It’s an excellent time for strategy, considered moves, and happy advances.

You’re gaining an edge by waiting for the right moment or even for passing on something and waiting for something better.

Things that have been written off, forgotten about, or set aside may now be of great use to you.

Making an emotional commitment to your long-term goals comes easily now. Additionally, the fiery Aries Moon and speedy Mercury are gossiping over coffee, fueling your ambitious plans.

Gemini is the quicksilver sign of the zodiac, and therefore you may be quite familiar with such freneticism.

However, with this kind of high-octane energy, even you need to write out all the thoughts racing through your head. There’s no need to do so in a long-form mode; notes will do.

After the adrenaline rush is over, you will clearly see how your observations will help to advance your goals.

With Mars spending the rest of the year in your career sector and Venus the rest of the year in your work sector, this is one professional year that will go right to the wire and will even spill into the early weeks of 2019.

This makes it important to take your time, when it comes to processing the valuable clues, hunches and insights delivered over the last few days.

It was only yesterday that the Moon left your career sector, wrapping up its last visit for the year and before forces in play on the job and career fronts run their course.

Today’s Quote: “When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 16, 24, 33, 34, 41

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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