You might be feeling tired and sore from too much exercise in the last few days, Gemini. This can make you feel nervous and cause you to snap at others around you. To ease nerve pain and muscle tension, try taking a warm bath or drinking herbal tea. It’s important to take it slow today and rest up. You can always resume your activities later.

With the help of astral energy, obtaining what you desire may seem easy. However, ‘seem’ is key here. We can easily believe we are getting what we desire, especially if we live in a society that is dominated by illusions. It is important to take time to understand what it is that we are looking for. This skill requires some quiet time. Yoga can be a wonderful combination of inner and outer strength. Any challenging exercise is recommended.

You might be the center of attention today. You and your partner will grow closer because of the many things you have in common. Make the most of your day by meeting up with good friends who can bring laughter and humor into your lives. Don’t drink too much or overindulge, or you will become a target for everyone!

“Remind yourself, that you don’t always have to be strong, that you don’t always have to be the fixer. Remind yourself that you can be human, that you can ask for help; that you don’t always have to be the one to save yourself.”

Colors of the day: Yellow, Blue

Lucky Numbers of the day: 2, 7

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: N, T

Cosmic Tip: Try opting for a new lens when viewing the world today.

Tips for Singles: Interacting with an old friend will help you feel better.

Tips for Couples: Dive into a conversation with your new date and forget all the futile worries.

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