The thing about relationships that your “twinning'” sign understands better than most is that there are two equal—or equally confounding—sides of the equation. And this Monday, November 26, you’ll see the pros AND cons of both through a crystal-clear lens!

The indie-spirited Sun makes its once-a-year conjunction with liberated Jupiter in unbridled Sagittarius, which sure SOUNDS like it’s all about flying solo. Yet this rare and galvanizing meetup is happening in your seventh house of committed relationships.

The point here may be about finding the kind of partner and partnership that gives you enough freedom to do what you want while also making you feel stronger and more complete as a result of your connection.

And no, Gemini, that’s not impossible! But it does require that you get clear about what you actually desire—AND why you’re sometimes willing to compromise those all-important preferences.

For couples, this Sun-Jupiter huddle can inspire you to talk through any areas where you feel confined and help you create the circumstances that will make BOTH of you feel loved yet independent. (This is also the case for business or creative partners.)

On the other hand, if you’ve been feeling the urge to bolt, this empowering alignment can give you the courage to make your move—with honesty.

Single Geminis might finally understand what it is you need and trust that if you keep those intentions strong and don’t “settle,” you WILL attract the perfect partner!

And yet… whatever you “decide” on Monday, you might have a 180-degree change of heart on Friday, when love planet Venus in your passionate fifth house locks into an opposition with radical-makeover artist Uranus in independent Aries.

Emotions could be all over the map, and whatever you’re “sure” about one minute might turn into a giant question mark (or a NO!) the next. It might be tough to tell the difference between love, lust and just sticking with the devil you know to the one you don’t know.

You could easily get caught up in a melodramatic situation, which can cloud your judgment. Try to avoid doing anything rash, however much Uranus tempts you. You may have a very different perspective in another day or two.

Setting your love life aside for a moment—if you can—Sunday’s stars help you reprioritize something important that may be missing from your life lately: self-care and healthy beauty routines. Aesthetically minded Venus returns to Scorpio and your sixth house of wellness and organization until January 7.

You had a sneak preview of this during Venus’ first visit here September 9 to October 31, and now you can pick up where you left off.

These next five weeks are perfect for getting your home life in order, especially if you’re hosting guests or entertaining for the holidays.

It’s also an invitation to take measures to improve your health and boost your immune system before winter and the cold season strike in earnest.

Take a sweep through your kitchen and clear the junk foods from your pantry and fridge and restock them with nutritious staples.

On a subtler yet equally important level, clear your schedule of excessive obligations and give yourself permission to do less—and more slowly! Stress is a killer, but it’s one thing you actually have control over.

Note: Messenger Mercury retrogrades back in Scorpio before turning direct on December 6, giving you another chance to get this right!

/Based On Materials From: TheAstroTwins

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