Mars moves into harmony with your sign, dear Leo, and will transit your solar ninth house until February 14th.

In this area of your solar chart, Mars tends to energize and motivate you to take on new projects or to challenge yourself with new goals and activities.

You begin the new year with a super energy boost, and you can feel as if you’re turning a corner regarding optimism and confidence. Your joie de vivre is in full form as you begin the new year.

You are in sync with your natural physical and energy expression, and there is a braver quality to you, in general, that draws more adventure into your life.

This influence acts to release inhibitions, and it’s helpful for competitions, whether these are related to games and sports or business.

As the year comes to an end, the fun-loving way you walk through the world is peppered with intensity. Your imagination lures you into uncharted emotional territory, as if you must get what you can from these realms before your daydream fades.

Carve out some time to creatively express your most significant memories of the previous year, prior to giving voice to your aspirations for the next one.

Letting your inner child out to play frees your spirit and inspires you to clearly envision a brighter future.

The fact that the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of every year in your work sector, means taking your work hat off over the holiday period might be a problem.

Yet while the Sun is still here for several more weeks, all of a sudden finding a balance between work and play becomes a lot easier.

Mars not only returns to an adventurous part of your chart today, where he will spend the next six weeks fuelling a passion for adventure, but to find lucky Jupiter in a playful part of your chart.

Today’s Quote: “Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 9, 10, 26, 27, 37

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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