There is good energy with you today for creative expression, making a positive connection, and communication breakthroughs, dear Leo.

Problem-solving skills are especially strong. You’re also inclined to go to the very root of a problem, even if there is some initial discomfort in the process.

Power politics in a close relationship or matters of trust, support, and dependency can be in focus as Mars and Chiron join forces in your solar eighth house.

You may be taking steps toward understanding and overcoming problem areas, and self-honesty is vital to the process.

The desire to get over something is strong, and you can feel very accomplished in the likely event that you do get over a hump.

The physical release of frustrations can be particularly appealing now, as well.

You prefer it when everything is out in the open, but you’re being called to be more emotionally honest about something you’ve kept hidden.

You might feel as if you’re hitting a wall and you’re willing to do the work required to conquer it. Although delving into the shadows isn’t your favorite pastime, you realize that the way out is to go deeper and deeper.

Fortunately, you can lean on those close to you for support as you seek resolution to a lingering issue.

The attention you bring to your current quest for harmony will bring you the peace you seek.

The last weekend of any year is always a chance to reflect on the journey the year has taken you on and to get a feel for the year ahead.

As the Moon makes its last visit to a smart and intellectually savvy part of your chart for the year, this gives you a mix of intuition and logic, imagination and intelligence to draw on.

It is that balance between looking back objectively and listening to your instincts that gives you a more authentic sense of where you’ve been.

And after all, the key to knowing where you’re going is to know where you have been.

Today’s Quote: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 12, 18, 20, 23

Daily Compatibility: Gemini

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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