People around you will need extra help from you this week. Don’t just sympathize with them, give them reassurance as well. Being there for your close ones during difficult times makes you feel good about yourself. You will be filled with positive energy today and spreading it to family and friends will help everyone around you. Do not be bothered by negativity around you. Your newly found confidence brings a lot of positive news for you.
You will enjoy a good day today as your health will be in check. However, this is not an excuse for you to quit your workout today. It has taken a lot of effort to get you in shape, don’t throw that hard work away. However, there can be slight rises in sugar levels. Make sure to check your sugar on time and keep yourself hydrated.
Things progress excellently at the workplace. Family life seems most fulfilling and you will find your spouse much more loving and caring. Aim to work on releasing past baggage. Do some spiritual upkeep as ground-breaking, bond-improving communications among friend groups are on the cards. You can receive some good news from your family and that will make your day better. Be there for your family on this happy occasion.
“The changes we make in life often happen when we have a degree of certainty. However, the pain of our past failures and the fears of our peers often fuel our uncertainty. This inability to predict the future is why people find themselves stuck and unable to move forward. They don’t want to feel the emotions of failure. They prefer to talk themselves into settling for an “okay” life, rather than the life they really want. However, failure is a matter of perspective! Is it not failure when you don’t take a chance on the one thing you need? There is no happiness in regret, staying safe or settling for anything less than what you can have through action.”
Colors of the day: Yellow, Green
Lucky Numbers of the day: 9, 5
Lucky alphabets you will be in sync with: K, P
Cosmic Tip: Reconnect with people you have lost touch with, it will help you relive a lot of happy memories
Tips for Singles: Going on a date your family set up can go really well.
Tips for Couples: Avoid unnecessary arguments if both of you had a bad day.