A Venus-Mars aspect occurring in the other two Fire signs triggers creative urges, dear Leo, as well as a need to share them!

People are more cooperative, helpful, or supportive, and you’re coming across exceptionally well. You can be feeling spirited and confident, especially about a relationship or creative endeavor.

You are magnetic, but also making happy things happen, and there is a beautiful, warm flow of friendliness between you and the people around you.

This transit can produce a pleasant exchange or communication, or you can be feeling particularly motivated to pursue a personal interest, hobby, or creative activity.

You might expand your horizons through an artistic pursuit or a hearty discussion. Love can be attracted or enhanced more readily now. Love, business, and creativity benefit from good timing and confidence.

Friends line up to be helpful today. You deserve no less than this kind of grand treatment after the countless good deeds you’ve done for others.

It’s flattering to know that there are plenty of folks in your life who are willing to lend a hand. The truth is your independent nature might inspire you to tell your allies, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

If you can finish your work on your own, you typically opt to do so. But if assistance is ever needed, it won’t be hard to find. Before you choose to go solo, remember that a burden shared is halved and a joy shared is doubled.

The Sun might be the largest and most powerful force in the solar system, but he is getting a run for his money today and throughout his final days in your work sector.

Where the Sun wants you to keep your work hat on, an alignment between Venus and Mars and the passionate, playful and adventurous forces they bring together have a different idea.

If it was a case of waiting it out until the Sun left your work sector, then you could juggle the next few days, but a balance between work and play is something you will have to juggle all year.

Today’s Quote: “Remember, no storm lasts forever. Hold on! Be brave! Have faith! Every storm is temporary and we’re never alone.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 4, 6, 20, 33, 49

Daily Compatibility: Gemini

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

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