Today you will see an unexpected rise in your expenses. Financially this can be a very challenging week for you and it becomes very important for you to plan a budget for your money. Watch your diet and take care of your health as money can be unnecessarily spent on minor health issues that can be treated with little care. Do not worry too much as your previous savings can save you in unavoidable situations this week.
Your physical health might not be so good this week. Minor pain in the neck and back can trouble you. If you suffer from arthritis or old injuries then discomfort is in your charts this week. So, it is advised to not do anything that puts stress on your body. The key to your good health this week is rest. Light Yoga can be good for you but do it under the guidance of a Yoga teacher.
Your colleagues have been helping you a lot for the past few days. Now it is time you return their favor. So, you will be helping somebody this week at your workplace and this can actually improve your image and can even make you popular! While you may have to work a little late some days, everything will be worth your efforts. You will see some positive developments in your career this week.
This week is when a new chapter of adjustment and understanding begins in your love life. All the webs that have been making your relationship blurry have now been removed and all you and your partner can see is a bright shining light that will only make your love grow stronger and deeper. This week is meant for optimism. However, apart from your love life, some misunderstandings can occur with other people. It will eventually be hilarious when you get to know about it.
You are not supposed to travel this week even if you desperately want to. Your body will not be supporting you so it will be better if you stay at home this week. Do not lose your heart as rest is more important for you this week and if plans to travel are made then it will be better you say no to them. You might get sad now but you will not regret it.
Colors of the week: Purple, Yellow
Lucky numbers of the week: 5, 9
Lucky alphabets you will be in sync with: H, N
Cosmic Tip: Always live in the present moment.
Tips for Singles: Do not daydream about your love life.
Tips for Couples: Make your life your responsibility, not your partner’s.