There is wonderful energy with you today for a retreat of sorts, dear Libra.

You might seek out the pause that refreshes, or you can be focusing on the creative, imaginative, and artistic side of your home life now as the Sun and Neptune form a harmonious aspect.

You’re bringing more compassion, understanding, and joy to family and work relationships. Work done at home or on the home can be inspired now.

You’re at your best when you’re taking part in activities and work that foster your creativity and desire to grow, contribute, and improve.

Also today, Mercury enters your home and family sector, launching an almost three-week transit that enlivens your personal life. It’s a good time for discussions and further thought related to family and your domestic world.

The principle of “what goes up, must come down” is especially important to remember when riding an emotional seesaw today. No high or low lasts forever, it’s true.

But what’s steadying is the certain knowledge that a point of balance can always be found if sought with a sincere heart.

Even if there are some situations that are temporarily chaotic in your life, harmony is achievable on an inner level.

Take the time to treasure all peaceful moments, the abiding tranquility of meditation, and the restorative power of proper rest.

While Mercury has been in your communication sector for two months and the Moon for just two days, as they leave within hours of each other today, they leave behind a gift that will keep on giving.

With Mars in his early days in your relationship sector and Uranus his final days in retrograde motion there, the Moon and Mercury leave you with not only the means to keep the communication lines open, but plenty of communication gods to keep the momentum going.

Today’s Quote: “You can’t let other people tell you who you are. You have to decide that for yourself.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 13, 21, 24, 37, 43

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

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