It’s a good day for catching your breath and de-stressing, especially with family and people who are like family to you, dear Libra, although as the day advances, you’ll want to reach out and share yourself with the rest of the world.
Romantically speaking, the day improves considerably as it progresses, although conversations may degrade a little!
If you can manage it, quiet time spent at or close to home will satisfy you most until evening, and it can also help you center yourself and avoid the mental strain that’s more likely now.
You might find yourself on the fence about a matter or even about a person in your life.
You’re probably better off staying on the fence until you have further information. Quick judgments are unlikely to serve you well at the moment.
Your sense of self-identity doesn’t necessarily align with your desires today.
The discomfort you experience beckons you to examine what you truly value.
If you have outgrown your previous preferences, but lack an immediate plan to replacement them, try not to cling to your past.
The big-picture Sagittarius Sun and privacy-loving Venus in Scorpio are busy getting on each other’s nerves and rattling your cage in the process.
However, the gift of this cosmic prickliness is the shake-up of stagnation. Do your best to see letting go not as a loss, but as liberation.
As Mars moves into the final three weeks of a six week visit to your work sector, he finally has a chance to move into the fast lane.
It was Chiron’s direct turn here over the weekend that released the handbrake and turned the lights green.
This creates the potential for an exciting and fast paced end to the year across the income, work and career fronts, but also a busy three weeks.
At work or whatever it is in life that keeps you busy, today’s playful lunar vibes return with an important message. That message ‘life can’t be all work and no play’.
Today’s Quote: “Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 8, 20, 35, 36, 46
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair