Your needs for safety, security, and familiarity are strong today, dear Libra, with the Moon and Saturn meeting in your sector of home and family.
But the Moon also meets with Pluto there, and while you seek sustenance, you don’t want to stagnate. Making changes, tweaks, and refinements satisfies now.
It’s especially important to surround yourself with positivity and calm right now since you’re in a more sensitive mood, but you’re not shying away from problems now.
Financial strategies might also come into focus today, as they can be tied to long-term goals that are driving you.
As well today, Chiron turns direct after five months of retrograde motion, and this can serve to increase your confidence in your ability to heal, improve, and grow.
You feel more equipped to tackle matters related to daily routines, work, or health and fitness.
As a skillful mediator, you may be called upon to wear your umpire uniform this season.
Nowhere will this be truer than when it comes to refereeing family dramas. Try not to stress if it takes some time for concrete results to be implemented.
The sensitive Moon teams up with resourceful Venus to lay the stepping stones for household resolution. Don’t be dejected by the lack of immediate closure.
This tempered shift allows for the foundation to settle, and thereby be maintained. Peace is a lifestyle, not a destination.
The Moon is putting your emotional and intuitive focus on home and family matters today, in a way that is more about paying attention.
As the Moon makes its last visit to your home and family sector for the year, before the Sun returns and before it returns in the New Year as a solar eclipse, this is more about touching base with the things that evoke strong emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses.
This is not about what it all means or what this is trying to tell you and instead, simply paying attention.
This includes being mindful of the more mundane things we take for granted. Chances are, they mean the most.
Today’s Quote: “Being honest may not get you a lot of FRIENDS but it’ll always get you the RIGHT ONES.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 17, 18, 36, 38, 47
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good