This morning, taking it easy actually allows you to gain some refreshment that makes catching up easier, dear Libra, as the Sun and Neptune form a trine.

This is also a great time for being generous with your support, skills, or services. Depending on how you approach the day as it advances, you can get a lot done, or you can spend too much time on activities that don’t amount to much!

You want to enjoy yourself, but you also want to get things done, and doing both at once can require some creativity. Watch for going overboard, but do stretch your mind to consider new possibilities.

In fact, you can come up with some novel ideas for pursuing long-term happiness goals. However, try not to give in to the temptation to make a quick decision without knowing enough of the necessary information.

What you admire in others may actually be a latent gift of your own. Your attraction to your partners means that there’s some complementary energy at play.

Yin matches yang, but pedestals can deceive. Everybody’s special and nobody is special; this philosophy frees you to develop your own being to the highest. Recognize your self-fullness in order to perceive your joy.

Acknowledging the talents of others could activate those abilities in yourself. Use the beauty of reflection to proceed on your path of self-actualization.

Having the Moon in your financial sector during Jupiter’s final days in retrograde motion in your income sector will create some tension between the two and the timing couldn’t be better.

In the days leading up to not only a turnaround on the income front, but a solar eclipse on the career front, a bit of financial tension will ensure you’re not asleep at the wheel.

At the same time, the Moon is fuelling your financial instincts and imagination as you move into some stunning days for financial and money matters as a whole.

Today’s Quote: “When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 9, 16, 19, 24, 38

Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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