The morning’s energies may be a little choppy as thinking is a bit disjointed, dear Libra, but as the day advances, you can feel a nice sense of purpose.
Your enthusiasm for learning or projects and personal interests is strong and building, and today, there is a rather smooth flow of creative energy for both enjoying and sharing your ideas.
You’re feeling more self-assured and confident, and you’re likely to find that others either support you or allow you the room to do your own thing. This is a day when connecting without pretenses is highly favored.
You are communicating warmly and with quiet confidence, which further endears you to others.
If there have been recent misunderstandings, today is strong for clearing things up, even if it’s about NOT addressing specific issues and simply going forward without further ado, which can sometimes be more effective. Information can arrive now that inspires you.
A natural-born people-pleaser, you frequently struggle to put yourself first.
But you are less interested in jumping through so many hoops just to make someone happy today.
As a result, you are simultaneously more aware of your partner’s feelings and less invested in acquiescing to their emotional needs.
It may sound counterintuitive, but the desire to distance yourself from the moodiness of a lover, close friend, or sibling is a welcome respite.
Use this recess to help balance the teeter-totter of interpersonal relationships. You can only truly give to others what you are willing to give yourself.
Just 10 days after retrograding back into your income sector, Mercury is back in direct motion and in his last full day, before leaving tomorrow.
Mercury will leave behind, forces across the income, work and career fronts that have been completely revitalised over the last 10 days and this will continue long after he leaves.
This makes today more about making the most of Mercury’s smart head for money and ability to get your head in the game.
You are not ready to finalise anything, across the income, work and career fronts this year is still a work in progress.
Today’s Quote: “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 12, 32, 38, 42, 43
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good