Imagination is powerful, and intuition is possibly a little faulty at the moment, dear Libra. Your urge to escape into fantasy may be equally strong. There can be confusion related to your social life, and there may be problems with distractions getting in the way of work or business.

The trick is to think outside of the box now. Anything too ordinary or mundane will only serve to frustrate. If someone seems to be trying to make you feel guilty, don’t fall game. Remember that guilt can get in the way of healthy relating and of clear decision-making right now.

Something someone does can throw you off-center, remind you of the past, or leave you feeling insecure. It’s a temporary issue, so try not to take things to heart.

You may not have the whole story, and the coming days will help clarify things. For now, choose entertaining, imaginative activities. Appropriate activities involve reflecting on the past and tying up loose ends.

Your obsession with excellence is palpable today. You put the pedal to the metal and the results of your work speak volumes. Your prolific presence conveys a sense that you never need any downtime.

Professional obligations take up so much of your bandwidth now that your domestic life recedes to the background.

As you demonstrate your competence, your reputation continues to improve and expand. You may be handed new responsibilities or even find yourself taking on a mentorship role.

For as long as there are planets in your home and family sector, which there have been since 2008, it is impossible for the Moon to move through your career sector without moving into opposition.

As the Moon clashes with all three forces on the home front, this might bring some familiar work/life balance tensions to a head, yet it is clear they have lost their bite.

As the Moon and Mercury align in your career sector, a chance to regroup after a solar eclipse earlier in the month is no threat. If anything, this is a chance to look back at past work/life balance issues more objectively.

Today’s Quote: “I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow; but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.”

Lucky Numbers: 13, 14, 20, 30, 31, 47

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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