A Saturn-Neptune aspect that will benefit you for most of 2019 comes into force now, dear Libra, reminding you to balance spiritual and material pursuits.

While Saturn’s transit of your solar fourth house continues to impart essential life lessons, rules, or restrictions related to your home, family, and personal life this year, you’re finding wonderful outlets for releasing related stress or tension or coming to a better sense of balance now.

Compartmentalizing and balancing work and home life can be the key for some, while for others, your work and home life can combine in magical and practical ways. This can be a good time for working from (or on) the home.

Family may motivate and support your work more than usual. Getting organized and disciplined can reflect wonderfully on your work and health pursuits, freeing you up for time to imagine, dream, and innovate. Your goals are big, but you’re also keeping your feet on the ground.

Putting on the perfect public face best suited to the current circumstances comes naturally to you.

However, you’re not the type to play games by wearing a mask when you prefer to spontaneously tune into changeable vibes in an accurate manner. Reading the room isn’t a logical process today, so much as it is a spot-on instinct.

You can use this intuitive talent to put others at ease, promote peace, or respond to the genuine needs of a community. Your authenticity makes good things happen.

Having the Moon in your communication sector as Mars moves into his final two weeks in your relationship sector is not the only advantage.

The Moon might be on hand to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice, but with Venus in her final days in your communication sector, the planet of love gives this additional weight.

Communication and relationship forces will remain close all year but when you have the Moon, Venus and Mars working together, a real breakthrough is possible.

Today’s Quote: “Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 16, 24, 36, 43

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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