Step up to the plate, Libra! You could be recruited for a starring role at work or in an organization you’re normally just a cast member of. This Tuesday, August 13, your ruler, harmonious Venus, forms its annual alliance with the powerful and charismatic Sun in your eleventh house of groups, and suddenly all eyes might turn to you for your wisdom, clarity and fair-mindedness.

While part of you would prefer to give suggestions from the sidelines, you might see it as an almost sacred mission to fill the leadership gap. Someone’s gotta steer this ship, Libra. (Plus, if you don’t take the job, who’s to say a power-tripping control freak won’t grab the helm?) As an enlightened despot, you already know that the best style of management is top-down while at the same time being inclusive of everyone’s ideas.

Surround yourself with complementary talents, and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from being part of a balanced creative team. A possible fringe benefit for single Libras: You could meet someone with serious potential while these planets sail through this zone for the next week or so!

Your love life gets another shot in the arm this Thursday as the year’s only full moon in Aquarius powers up your fifth house of glamour, amour and passion. If you’ve been solidly solitary, in a holding pattern, unsure how you feel about someone—or how they feel about you—this lunar lift could change all of that in a (loudly pounding) heartbeat.

Singles should intensify their dating efforts over the next two “peak manifesting” weeks and try some new approaches, even if they feel counterintuitive or a little uncomfortable. Just getting out of your box and mixing things up can significantly shift the energy. This full moon fans the flames of passion for coupled Libras, too.

You could fall back in love with your partner, decide to just forgive and forget the little grievances or, if you’re ready to start or expand a family, this lunation is great for fertility! But note that since the fifth house rules theatrics, there could be a little drama in the coming weeks.

Don’t sit and sulk. With kindness and compassion, get it out into the open where you can resolve it, which will come in handy once this romantic full moon strikes! On another level, the muse could plunk you down to play in your preferred metier. Throw yourself into this work—er, play—and you could have a masterpiece to show for yourself over the next few months.

The foremost thing on your mind starting Sunday, however, might be carving out as much quiet “me time” as possible through October 4. Activating Mars races into your introspective, dreamy twelfth house for the first time in two years, which may feel like a forced timeout from your regularly scheduled programming.

This is a rare and empowering time to turn inward, focus on yourself and your spiritual practice, catch up on your personal reading, journaling and anything else you can only do on your own.

The energy could feel a little whiplash-inducing at times since Mars wants to do everything FAST, and the twelfth house is about slowing down. If you feel wired and tired at the same time, it’s a sure sign that you need this respite even more than you realized!

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