A Saturn-Pluto parallel aspect this month suggests that there’s a lot on your mind and perhaps an obligation looming, dear Pisces.
However, a Mars-Neptune aspect encourages a detour from serious thought or concentrated focus today and tomorrow, and it’s likely to do you a world of good.
You may feel very much in tune with the energies of the day, in fact, and you could enjoy news that delights and inspires or a conversation that soothes.
This transit brings together your sensitivity and enthusiasm, and it’s a magical combination that leads you to the right places and boosts your magnetism at the same time.
Presenting your ideas can be rewarding and successful. You’re also more inclined than usual to follow a fun whim.
You may not be interested in taking center stage today, but you’re definitely due for a show of appreciation from a friendly audience. The Sun, the heaven’s own spotlight, is currently making its way through your sign, insisting that you allow yourself to shine.
No one’s saying you must give any lengthy acceptance speeches, but when some well-deserved praise comes your way, don’t avoid it. Embrace the applause and take a quick bow. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.
The weekend brings a valuable chance to pull back and find time to hear yourself think and boy do you need it.
As Mercury spends his first weekend in retrograde motion in Pisces and on the other side of both a New Moon and the Sun’s alignment with dreamy Neptune here, there is a wealth of information to process.
Mercury has done a U turn that has him turning back towards the Sun, with their alignment next week due to bring the past, present and future together. You have access to a whole lot of information on all three fronts, but for now in a disjointed way.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 5, 16, 27, 30, 46
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good