You can experience much enthusiasm about an idea today, dear Sagittarius, although emotions can be up and down. Do aim to consider the practical side of a situation before investing too much of yourself, time, and resources into an endeavor.

It might help to remind yourself of your usual limits, and while pushing them a little can be useful, try not to push too far.

There is a tendency to go big and ignore essential details now, and bigger isn’t always better. Some moderation is appropriate now and can turn a potentially awkward day into a happy, rewarding one.

New insights into money matters or business affairs can emerge. You may be getting over a hump related to money and time. You may get the opportunity to make full use or display of a resource or talent.

You’re more willing to seek and face the truth, and this helps you get to a place where you’re ready to make vital and meaningful changes.

Underneath your cheery demeanor, a true reassessment of all values takes place. Your public persona displays seemingly endless self-worth. Inside your heart, though, a few little insecurities eat away at you.

This temporary loss of confidence is normal and healthy, since it would be weird if you were free from all pangs. Witnesses to your private process are not needed. Simply tend to your deepest feelings.

Paying even the slightest amount of attention to any hurts helps you heal, and to return to the world as exuberant as ever. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

The Moon’s departure from your career sector yesterday may have brought the Full Moon here to a close, but whatever this has triggered will take another four weeks to fully play out.

By then there will be a lot more happening on the job front, while income forces will be a lot stronger, more settled and stabled.

This not only makes it okay to stand back and let things play out, it is important that you do. With the weekend approaching this is a valuable chance to regroup and to embrace today’s social and serendipitous lunar vibes.

Today’s Quote: “Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 9, 10, 19, 24

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Excellent

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