This morning, dear Sagittarius, watch for the tendency to bring worries about your practical affairs into interactions with others and try to separate the two.
Energies for communicating are below par most of today, in fact, but you can find spots for expressing and enjoying yourself. Watch what you say and avoid rushing through paperwork and conversations, particularly as the day advances when Mercury and Mars are in challenging aspect, stimulating a sense that you should rush or push a matter.
There can be quite a bit of energy available, but it’s difficult to channel it. For some of you, there can be a disagreement over ideas or choice of words with a partner. Keeping yourself mentally stimulated and engaged, even with games, can be helpful.
You are thankful now that the cosmos is handing you a permission slip, instead of a request to untangle more red tape. You are hot to trot, so you’re pleased that people are encouraging you to make your move today.
Oddly enough, you might realize you could put your entire plan in jeopardy if you bolt ahead without a thoughtful strategy in place.
Intelligent self-restraint is necessary to make sure your actions create the greatest possible impact on the future course of events. There’s no need to rush anything in order to keep your appointment with destiny.
As much as you now have Uranus in your work sector, where apart from a few months later in the year is here until 2026, this is more a long term journey.
It’s not until things start to move on the job front later in the month that life will become a lot busier, making this something you can easily balance for now.
This leaves you with no excuses for not embracing today’s playful lunar vibes and a growing sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure in the air.
Today’s Quote: “Live every day as if it’s your last, embracing each experience as if it’s your first.”
Lucky Numbers: 16, 17, 27, 37, 40, 43
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Fair