Don’t hesitate when it comes to taking on a project or making plans today, Sagittarius. Extra energy will complement your organizational skills, making the perfect combination to handle almost anything.

Be sure to write down your goals and plans to help keep you focused. If you decide to tackle any cleaning today, get rid of the things you never use.

Consider donating such items to charity, since there’s undoubtedly someone out there who could use them.

You want to be fair-minded when trying to find the source of a current problem at work. Although your approach is fully above board, you might be accused of playing favorites today.

Your efforts at diplomacy may soothe some ruffled feathers for a while, but attempting to see things from everyone’s differing perspectives could backfire in the long run. If you’re not making progress, don’t be afraid to let your position be known.

Being transparent about your subjectivity will lead to a breakthrough faster than playing the role of the diplomat who wants to stop and listen to every point of view.

As the Moon’s monthly visit to your work sector wraps up, this is likely to leave you with a new sense of professional and job confidence.

Where last week’s lunar eclipse may have created some professional pressure or work/life balance tension, the Moon is now giving you the intuitive edge and the friendly support to turn this into motivation.

With Venus in her final days in your career sector, this is a day for listening to your heart and gut.

Lucky Numbers: 8, 22, 31, 33, 36, 38

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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