With the Moon in your sign in the past couple of days and a New Moon in Sagittarius yesterday, dear Sagittarius, the focus has been on finding yourself and your independence.
The Moon now heads into your solar second house and security, comfort, and safety become bigger priorities.
You still benefit from the New Moon boost, of course, and there will be a continued focus on your own needs and autonomy, but you’re now a little more interested in being careful, and even patient, in order to protect your interests.
It’s a time for slowing down and taking stock, but also for building and strengthening your resources and ideas.
As well today, there can be some beautiful moments shared with people you love, plus a stronger sense of well-being through time spent quietly or privately.
Looking your feelings directly in the eye might be stressful for you action-oriented Sagittarians.
However, it was not an error in judgment to connect with your heart, even if it was mildly annoying to have the moody Moon hanging out in your sign for the last few days.
Although you may feel sidetracked, you can’t help but grow when you delve into your emotions.
Thankfully, you find solid ground now upon which to undertake your next adventure.
While the final weeks of any year are often the busiest and after a New Moon in Sagittarius two days ago, you are looking to the future, the weekend also brings a chance to reflect.
At the same time that Venus spends her first weekend back in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, Mercury is spending both his first weekend back in direct motion and his last weekend here.
Over the weekend in particular, make time to hear yourself think.
Today’s Quote: “You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 31, 37, 38, 40, 45
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent