The Moon heads into your hidden sector today, dear Sagittarius, and you’re likely to feel the need to take a little rest from the usual pace of your life for a couple of days.

You’re also ready to read between the lines and look for hidden truths or get to the heart of a situation as Mercury and Pluto connect. You are particularly insightful about your money situation today, and you can be quite prudent when mapping out a game plan or budget.

You are drawn to the most critical details of a business project, and judgment is sharp as a result. You’re likely to envision ways of making the best or the most of a situation.

You could also have an eye-opening conversation with a partner or family member, or you could be boosting your home life with a practical improvement or item that makes your life just a little better. This is a time for clearing the decks in some manner.

A movie reel plays in your mind while you complete outstanding duties today. Images of your past and impressions of yourself flicker across your mental theater screen.

This hidden film does not hinder you; it’s likely your feet are walking in both worlds now. However, no one gets a whiff of your internal process.

Your jovial self prompts smiles and cheer from those around you. Enter the Zen of no mind. Let your actions speak louder than your internal monologue. Your focus determines your reality.

Venus is spending her last weekend in your income sector aligned with Pluto, with the planets of money and change coming together to fuel a sense of rebellion.

This is not just about the money and in fact, it will have less positive impact financially if you do make it just about the money.

This is a chance to rebel against any situation where you don’t feel your needs are being met, at a time when you really do have the ability to take your power back and to move mountains if you have to. This is something that needs to touch all the currencies in your life.

Today’s Quote: “The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 12, 22, 24, 26

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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