You can more thoroughly enjoy making improvements, refinements, or tweaks to your practical affairs today, dear Sagittarius, and you can feel quite on top of things emotionally to boot.
This is not about rising above fears but more related to meeting them head-on with Chiron strong and in focus today.
Today’s energies favor straightforward, moderate moves. You’re happy with the straightforward part of this approach, although moderation is not always your thing!
However, you’re willing to embrace the idea now. Personal revelations can emerge today with Chiron turning direct after five months of retrograde motion.
Something that you may have buried or neglected is likely to surface and demand attention. It’s a fine time to feel equipped to handle problems in your personal life.
Conversations are more helpful than usual, even if in spots they can feel a bit raw today.
Reviewing your personal history to help understand your present often seems unnecessary to you fiery visionaries.
However, a reflective approach does add value to your world today.
Examining the origins of a deeply rooted fear can release you from its restrictive grip.
Remembering the source of a childhood joy enables you to recreate it in your adult life.
Making a better future for yourself is easier once you reconcile with the past. Happiness is a state of mind.
When the Moon left Sagittarius yesterday this was always going to leave you with some valuable clues, hunches and insights that you can now begin to process.
Yet eight days after Mercury retrograded back out of Sagittarius the planet of communication and smart thinking is still three days away from returning, giving you a chance to keep your head out of the game until then.
As the Moon has only just wrapped up the first New Moon in Sagittarius with lucky Jupiter on board in over a decade, you need time to let everything triggered settle.
Today’s Quote: “Being honest may not get you a lot of FRIENDS but it’ll always get you the RIGHT ONES.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 13, 15, 18, 20, 39
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good