You can feel as if you have a lot of blanks to fill in, and no clear way of doing so today, dear Sagittarius, particularly related to money and relationships!
Life may not seem as straightforward as you’d prefer it to be and you may second-guess situations and people now. The desire to sniff out a truth can be intense but may not be worth it just for the time being.
Be willing to let something go if insecurity is driving it. There is no need to dwell on a particular fear or uncertainty or obsess over what you don’t know about a situation because that’s where you’re inclined to trip up today.
Trust that what you need to know will be revealed to you in time. While there are excellent times to think big, today is better for slimming things down.
You’re busy as a bee and the air is abuzz with communicative vibes. All you want to do is connect with the people around you.
As this lively Sunday starts a fresh calendar month, your loving nature takes on an elevated tone.
Don’t wear rose-colored blinders, but also don’t settle for second best. Talk it out and use discernment.
The cosmic weather supports your efforts if you have to make some adjustments to ensure the offer is worth your while.
Don’t be surprised if you have woken with a new sense of resolve on the job front or to new health and fitness resolutions.
There is a ‘just do it’ attitude that wasn’t there just a day ago, but is now sending ripples of confidence out across the income, work and career fronts.
While one can have a flow on effect to the other, in this case there really are some exciting developments coming into play across the income, work and career fronts.
A new sense of enthusiasm on the health front is just an added bonus.
Today’s Quote: “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.”
Lucky Numbers: 13, 14, 16, 30, 31, 32
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Fair
Business: Good