The day is particularly suitable for getting some chores or errands done, dear Sagittarius, or for sorting out your life in small but critical ways.

Mind you, with the Moon’s opposition to Jupiter today, there is some tendency to battle the urge to set things right. However, getting organized is something that will benefit you at this point, so consider fending off rebellious urges and instead sticking to the task until completion.

A Venus-Neptune parallel today ensures you have plenty to think and muse about. It brings a little mystery to your life. This is a beautiful time for birthing new long-term goals, particularly related to comfort, domestic bliss, and emotional wellness and happiness.

You are so reliable at work that it seems as if everyone is leaning on you to help them finish their chores. But you are less expressive today, keeping your concerns about your hectic schedule to yourself.

Nevertheless, you might finally react if you feel pushed to the edge. Although you could unexpectedly lose your temper, an emotional outbreak is mentally draining.

Deliver on your promises and complete your work on time. Being true to your word is more important now than being true to your feelings.

The timing of the Moon’s return to your relationship sector today couldn’t be better, especially as this might push some buttons over the coming days.

It’s tomorrow that an opposition with Mars in Sagittarius could create some tension, with a chance to get a jump on this today.

For the Moon has the good fortune of returning during Juno’s last full day in your communication sector, with a chance to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice from the get-go.

Today’s Quote: “Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like and compassion is what it acts like.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 16, 19, 31, 49

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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