Something might surface now, such as an unusual coincidence, that brings some joy to your life now, dear Sagittarius, with Venus and Jupiter connecting in a favorable aspect. There can be a healing process going on now.

You might perform a generous act behind the scenes or anonymously today. Putting your trust in someone can feel good and even invigorating. You’re seen in an especially favorable light. Family matters or support can be prominent and satisfying.

There can be support coming from behind the scenes or unexpected sources. The Moon is Full today, and because it occurs at the top of your solar chart, it increases your visibility in general, possibly bringing up questions about your responsibilities what you’ve done in the past, and what you plan on doing in the future to fulfill obligations.

You can be a leader now, and circumstances may be such that you are nudged into that position. This can be a good time for recognition for all that you do, or it can be a time when you visualize a path you’d like to take in the future.

You can see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, giving you a brief chance to look back into your past as long as you remember your next adventure is ahead of you on the road of life.

You may be hard-pressed to contain your joy while astrology’s lucky charms, Venus and Jupiter, are harmoniously aligned.

But the meticulous Virgo Full Moon spotlights your 10th House of Career, reminding you to pay careful attention to details even if you’re already content with the direction of your life. Remember, it’s not about where you’ve been, but where you are going.

Today’s Full Moon on the career front is the first real significant event of this professional year, but it definitely isn’t the last.

With new doors opening on the job front later in the month, which in turn will lead to game-changing developments, today’s Full Moon is the professional gods’ first shot across the bow.

With support from Saturn and Pluto on the income front, ride whatever strong emotional responses this triggers, letting things then run their course.

Lucky Numbers: 22, 28, 32, 38, 42, 49

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Excellent

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