The Sun begins a month-long transit of your sign today, dear Sagittarius.

This solar cycle emphasizes you, your personal needs, personality, plans, and attitude towards meeting and greeting the world.

With more attention coming your way, you’ll find more motivation to improve your image and your manner so that you attract what you truly want and need into your life more readily.

You are regaining your initiative now and in the weeks ahead with the Sun in your sign. This is a cycle in which to act instead of react.

Your clearer sense of yourself helps you convey strength now. Today’s aspects are a little tense, however, although they present only small hurdles to clear.

There can be some tension revolving around money or family matters, especially if frustrations have been building.

You might practically fly out of bed to seize the day. Grab any opportunity you can while the daring Sun dawns in your sign.

Be sure you start off with a healthy breakfast, since you will likely be on the go without much time for a break. Don’t take your focus and energy for granted now.

Schedule your most important tasks for the morning while your mental clarity is strong. Happily, you can blow off more steam dancing the night away without a task reminder in sight or any guilt at all.

Take your time and be patient. Something’s triggering all sorts of emotions and feelings. If you are in a partnership you will be successful because it will make it easier for you to overcome the difficulties on your way.

Correctness in relations with people around you will keep you out of trouble and you’ll gain more of their trust. Your trips will be successful.

You will not lack good news for future interesting experiences. You’ll enjoy the news of great revenue, but do not rush to make purchases.

Current planetary energies give you a feeling of stability and security as far as your latest plans are concerned.

Do not invest your time if you have not considered your goals well. It’s better understand your misconduct now and get rid of your worries.

Today’s Quote: “Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.”

Lucky Numbers: 12, 15, 17, 22, 41, 43

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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