The Moon spends the day in your solar twelfth house, dear Sagittarius, stimulating a desire to tuck yourself away on an emotional level as you instinctively prepare for a new cycle.
Aim to take things easy, contemplate matters, and process feelings and recent events.
Mercury is in the same sector and is close to ending its retrograde cycle (just two more days). As it does, it forms some especially strong aspects, making this an excellent week for learning from the past.
Your perspective is especially unique, and intuition is powerful. A conversation about private issues, a secret, or a matter of the past can be significant and perhaps even quite liberating! So can thoughts and observations along the same lines.
You will be greeted by unexpected successes, from which you will extract a lot of wisdom. The stress is due to you wanting to complete all your tasks in time.
You begin to see why it is so important to let people know just how much you can tolerate, and just where your limits actually lie. If you can be patient, everything will be fine.
You have known for some time that you need to change if you are ever going to find real happiness. The current astral energy may disrupt some of your best-laid plans, but there could be a very good reason for this.
Assess your new acquaintances well if you think about attracting them permanently in your life. It is not desirable to travel. You will get a surprising offer, but with you need to be careful your money. Let go of misconceptions and just be real.
Your tendency toward idealism can result in you missing the little blessings of daily life. However, your ruling planet, joyful Jupiter, clicks into alignment with permeating Pluto today.
This cosmic exchange ushers in fresh insight with regards to the roles others may have played in things breaking your way.
A positive and generous outlook creates space for pretension to lessen and appreciation to blossom.
Today’s Quote: “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 9, 23, 37, 39
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good