Mars enters your solar third house today, dear Sagittarius, where it will transit until August 12th.

Due to an upcoming retrograde cycle, this is a more extended transit than usual. You can experience more motivation, initiative, courage, and energy in your communications, studies, mental pursuits, and daily life during this energizing cycle.

You can be especially interested in doing things quickly and getting around more swiftly. You can be braver and more direct in your speech or writing, and you more easily reach out and make contact with others, although, in many ways, you tend to be absorbed in your projects during this period.

On the challenging side, you may get into more conflicts with others, or you may be impatient such that getting around is a little more stressful.

Otherwise, if energy is controlled, it’s a good time for getting involved, learning, and actively pursuing studies and personal interests.

You’re known to grasp big concepts with great ease yet attending to the yards of red tape can be a real headache today.

Your current impatience with routine may drive you up a wall as explosive Uranus forms a volatile square with reactive Mars in your 6th House of Details.

You might lose your temper if your options are limited and you feel like you’re stuck in a boring rut.

Nevertheless, you could have the time of your life if you’re free to act spontaneously and work outside of the box.

The Moon is making its only visit to your relationship sector while Venus, planet of love and guardian of your relationships is here, creating a special few days.

With Venus leaving in three days’ time, but the Sun returning next week to throw the solar spotlight onto your relationships, this is a chance to listen to your heart and your emotional and intuitive responses.

Whether single, in a relationship or between relationships, this is a chance to get to the heart of what you want and need.

Isaac Newton wrote, “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 11, 15, 22, 27, 29, 36

Daily Compatibility: Libra

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