Your mood takes on an upbeat, positive quality that endears you to others today, dear Sagittarius.

You’re quick to tackle problems, and your confidence is infectious. Two heads are better than one for you right now if you have a problem to solve.

You can come to a very happy position if you combine resources and work together with someone special.

Clear your schedule if you have one (and if you can), and try to take time to clear your head as well. The enthusiasm stirred up today can take you far.

The desire may be to live life truly, and to feel alive and vital, through a significant other in your life.

The Sun-Mars aspect today favors getting things done and being direct and straightforward, which is completely up your alley!

An idyllic day sounds good on paper but won’t likely come to pass.

Even if you could take extended time off now, it’s unwise to waste a special cosmic moment which is better suited for initiating action rather than just dreaming about it.

Luckily, you can expect assistance from others now if you need it while the radiant Sun in your 7th House of Companions conspires with enterprising Mars.

Be ready to head off on your own but be appreciative when someone else shows up at just the right time to lend a hand.

In the Moon’s final hours in your career sector it is always important to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, but without over thinking things.

Even more so with Uranus in his first full week in your work sector in eight decades and as the whole landscape changes across the income, work and career fronts.

For now let the Moon fuel your professional instincts and imagination, with time to process the valuable clues, hunches and insights over the coming days.

The Beatles sang, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 14, 16, 23, 27, 48

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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