Get ready to take 2019 by storm, Archer. This is poised to be one of your most dynamic years in more than a decade—and it starts from Day One!
Your ruling planet, expansive Jupiter, is parked in Sagittarius from November 8, 2018, until December 2, 2019, which is kicking off a whole new 12-year chapter of your life.
Forget about “business as usual”: Welcome novelty and fresh starts, which just happen to be a few of your favorite things!
But Jupiter’s enthusiasm will be tempered a bit by January’s “risk-management team” of planets in Capricorn and your sensible second house.
The Sun is here until January 20, helping you put those wild ideas into a practical (and profitable!) framework. On January 5, the first of this month’s two groundbreaking eclipses will arrive.
This one is a partial solar (new moon) eclipse in Capricorn, which could bring a dynamic work or financial opportunity.
Lending some extra gravitas, it’s in close proximity to serious Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility. While you could have a sobering realization that you need to spend, save and plan more frugally, this eclipse will also reveal unexpected ways to earn instead of burn. It’s not how much cash you make but what you do with it.
This is the first of 2019’s three eclipses in Capricorn; the other two arrive in July and December. Events sparked now could build into major money moves over the next half-year—or send you down an entirely new career path.
On January 11, when the Sun and transformational Pluto unite in Capricorn, you can map out a brilliant strategy for making your hard-earned money work overtime for you.
With deep-digging Pluto pinging the identity-focused Sun, this may require you to shed old perceptions of yourself. Let those limiting beliefs and scarcity thoughts go already, Sag!
A surge of creativity (and possible fame) could boost your buzz factor starting January 6, when innovator Uranus ends a five-month retrograde backspin in Aries and your fifth house of passion and self-expression.
Don’t snooze on the muse if she comes a’knocking! In March, unconventional Uranus will depart Aries after eight years here, not to return in this lifetime.
With fiery and motivational Mars also in Aries from January 1 until February 14, you’ll be further inspired to take an artistic risk or to put your talents on display.
With Mars and Uranus in your lusty fifth house, a love affair could heat up fast (and possibly combust just as quickly). For Archers of the childbearing set, an unexpected pregnancy could take you by surprise as Cupid AND the stork make a joint visit before Valentine’s Day. (Not interested? Take extra precautions.)
On March 6, Uranus will start an eight-year visit to Taurus and your healthy, analytical sixth house, putting an end to some of the wild-and-crazy times. While you might be relieved, your inner rock star has a couple more metaphorical hotel rooms to trash—so get your “carpe diem” kicks in while you can.
Book a spontaneous weekend getaway, share your talents in a public forum, tell someone how you really feel about them. You never know what could come of it!
On January 13, your ruler, Jupiter, locks into its first of this year’s three tense squares to hazy Neptune, an aspect that can stir up confusion and delusion.
With adventurous Jupiter in your first house of self and boundary-challenged Neptune in your home and family zone, you could feel torn between pursuing your own independent dreams and being there for loved ones.
If you’re a parent, a child’s emotional needs could feel all-consuming, leaving you feeling guilty or resentful. You may struggle to balance “me time” with the demands of home and family.
Jupiter and Neptune will form two more squares this year, on June 16 and September 21, but you’ll feel their tension for most of the year.
Both of these planets are generous but struggle with limitations, so you will grapple with setting the right parameters. You’ll need to teach people to be more self-sufficient while making sure you have the bandwidth to show up for the times that matter.
Talking about it will help a lot, and you’ll have a chance to do that on January 20, when the Sun enters Aquarius and your third house of communication and community for a month.
It takes a village, Sagittarius, especially to live the huge and dynamic life that befits your bountiful sign. How can you create support systems or flexible arrangements that allow you to “have it all”?
You might have a watershed moment of honesty—or a burst of inspiration—on January 21, when the month’s second eclipse lands in Leo and your provocative, adventurous ninth house.
This one, a total lunar (full moon) eclipse, is quite the showstopper and could catapult you onto a new level of exposure and luck.
This is the grand finale of an eclipse series landing on the Leo/Aquarius axis that began in February 2017.
Since then, these eclipses have been majorly shifting your approach to communication, travel, learning and cross-cultural relations. You’ve reimagined friendships and community as you’ve learned to cultivate deeper ties without feeling trapped.
Discovering who “your people” are has been an eye-opening journey over the past couple years.
This final eclipse could bring one of your ideas to a widespread, even global, audience, perhaps with the help of some of the kindred spirits you’ve collected since 2017.
That same day, fiery Mars in your expressive fifth house will lock into a heated square with rigid Saturn in your financial sector.
Do you have the budget to go as big and bold as you want to? You may feel torn between speaking up for something you feel passionately about and toeing the party line.
For some Sagittarians, the battle between head and heart will be fierce. One side of you wants to throw caution to the wind while a skeptical inner voice keeps censoring you.
Your own temper or knee-jerk reactions could only worsen the situation. This is not the day to make any irreversible moves, especially in the heat of the moment.
On January 25, your enthusiasm returns, and you’ll get back to the sunny side of life—which always magnetizes your desires so much more than fighting.
That day, Mars moves into a harmonious trine with abundant Jupiter, energizing the most expressive and attention-grabbing zones of your chart.
You’re in the mood to swing out far and wide, debuting a new style, going public with one of your talents or speaking your truth without filters.
With these courageous and outspoken planets in sync, it’s a much better time to deliver your heartfelt confessions.
Just keep it positive and make sure to uplift others. How can your openness pave the way for everyone to shine? Consider this before you lay all your cards on the table.