It makes sense to try to unwind and let your intuition work for you with an eclipse occurring tomorrow, dear Taurus.

A Sun-Neptune influence helps you do so today, and it’s an especially romantic or idealistic transit. You’ll find it easier than usual to draw on imagination and intuition that inspire your dreams and plans.

Routine seems more unappealing than usual, and you seek out different experiences or lines of thought that keep you engaged and intrigued. You might come up with new, creative ideas, particularly for overcoming problems and negative or distressing situations.

Placing your faith in a friend can do the world of good for a relationship. If you need a favor, this is a great time to ask for one, but you’ll also enjoy helping others out now.

Your dreams seem especially realizable today, and because this aspect is tied in with tomorrow’s eclipse, you’ll find this heartening theme sticks with you in the coming weeks and even months.

The fact that cosmic conditions are favorable for the recycling, repurposing, and reusing of goods sits extremely well with you.

When it comes to saving the planet, your earthy Sun sign makes you a front-line warrior. “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure” might be little more than an amusing old saying to some.

But you know this pearl of wisdom is much more than a cliché. Finding innovative ways to live your intentions inspires great productivity today. And it’s incredibly satisfying for your soul, as well.

You might be late to the party, but the holiday spirit finally kicks in with a vengeance today, except what you are sensing is far more significant.

Within the space of just a few hours, first the Moon and then Mercury return to an adventurous part of your chart, where they join an already formidable line up of forces.

It is the solar eclipse this will create here tomorrow, that will set this whole year on an adventurous trajectory. The old excuses you have been able to hide behind in previous years are no longer being supported.

Today’s Quote: “You can’t let other people tell you who you are. You have to decide that for yourself.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 10, 22, 25, 42, 43

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

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