Life could feel a bit like a Frida Kahlo painting until Thursday, as retrograde Mercury rounds out its retrograde in Scorpio and your surreal twelfth house. Alas, you’ve borne the brunt of the messenger planet’s backspin, which began in YOUR sign on November 16.
And while Mercury will snap back into direct motion on the 6th (this Thursday), you may have a difficult time distinguishing a real feeling from a projection until then. Early this week, an old hurt or betrayal may pop up again, showing you where you haven’t quite healed.
Tempting as it is to engage in yet another agonizing convo with the so-called perpetrator, you’d be better off going within to find YOUR blocks and owning up to your role in the matter. It takes two to tango, even if your only “mistake” was sticking around and putting up with the abuse.
Ultimately, this situation is breaking your heart wide open, but if you focus on healing (instead of re-engaging), you can cross a major hurdle before Mercury re-enters your sign on December 12.
And here’s a silver lining: When the line between fantasy and reality gets paper-thin, you could revive an imaginative project that’s been simmering on the backburner. If the muse knocks, disappear into your “artist’s studio” to create, create, create.
Make sure you’re not boxing yourself in on Friday! A tricky meetup of feisty Mars and passive Neptune in your domestic fourth house could diminish your ability to go with the flow—especially when people are acting selfishly or unconsciously.
You may not realize why you’re feeling impatient or claustrophobic in certain groups. But if you’re not in your usual happy-go-lucky headspace, get yourself out of there, STAT. Not sure where to go?
It may be time to turn your guest room into an office or meditation space just for you. Or consider renting a small studio outside your home so you can do your creative work without being interrupted.
Because the fourth house also rules women, you might experience some tension with a female friend or relative. Rather than let it drag on—or reach the point of no return—harness your sign’s courageous honesty and address the issue head on. Just be warned: Mars can make you come across a bit aggressively, and indirect Neptune could introduce some head games or guilt-trips.
Sure, you know it takes two to tango and are willing to cop to your role in the situation, but don’t let her shift ALL the blame onto your shoulders.
No matter how many personality conflicts (real or imagined) you have to weather throughout the week, don’t forget to put some bubbly on ice. This Friday, 2018’s only new moon in Sagittarius announces your astrological New Year!
Under these electrifying skies, take time to write a wish list along with your 2019 resolutions. Or, since a picture says a thousand words, make a vision board.
This is one of the most potent “planting” days annually, and the seeds you sow could manifest over the coming half year. We don’t have to remind you to dream big, Sagittarius. But make sure you’re wishing for the things YOU really want, not just the visions that other people have for your happiness.