You are the star of the day Scorpio, you will get anything you wish for today, planetary position is such that you will get a lot of attention and limelight. It’s all worth it, you have been facing some difficult times in your personal things seem to be resolving from people’s end. You will the right responses at the right time.
You have been working on your self-image a lot and now is the time you start investing more time into it, you have been ignoring it, and now is the right time to put yourself at work. Hit the gym, keep yourself hydrated, eat healthily and soon you will see yourself emitting that positivity all around.
You need to be truthful about your feeling with your partner or someone you really like. Don’t fake, sometimes you are trying to portray a personality that is not the real you. If you share your inner thoughts transparently it is going to help you in long term.
“I’m about to make a wild, extreme and severe relationship rule: the word busy is a load of crap and is most often used by assholes. The word “busy” is the relationship Weapon of Mass Destruction. It seems like a good excuse, but in fact in every silo you uncover, all you’re going to find is a man who didn’t care enough to call. Remember men are never to busy to get what they want.”
Colors of the day: Purple, Red.
Lucky Numbers of the day: 6, 1
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: G, B.
Cosmic Tip: What is for you will come for you.
Tips for Singles – You are whole and you do not need to search for a better half.
Tips for Couples – Invest in me time between the both of you.