Scorpio – You may feel the tug of competing demands and wants. You feel obliged to work for your job and meet your employer’s demands. Your loved ones are missing you and want to be with you more. Although there is no simple answer, you may be able to think of ways you can delegate more tasks so that you have more time to spend with loved ones.

Sometimes, it’s possible to be terrified when faced with simplicity. You love drama. Anxiety can be caused by too much drama. Anxiety can lead to negative drama. It’s best to get your energy flowing through physical exercise. You may feel the need to abandon your exercise routine if you are already following one. Hang tight!

Your lover is feeling enchanted and in an amazing mood. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate your love and go out. You can go out to eat together, have a date, or do something completely different. This will help you both discover how great it is to just be with each other. You might also want to bring some friends along and throw an informal party.

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

Colors of the day: Brown

Lucky Numbers of the day: 5

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: I

Cosmic Tip: It is all fitting together, and it stunning.

Tips for Singles: It would be preferable if you were clear about your expectations and standards in a relationship.

Tips for Couples: Open your heart to lover/partner.

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