A friend may create a new bond with you. You might discover that you have a common interest with your friend or see them in a different light. These can be wonderful, but it is important to make the effort to get to understand your friend before making any commitments. You might have an idealism that clouded your view of the person. It is possible to not be objective about the person.
You can see the things that need to be changed in your life and are the ones who will make them happen. It is a great time to be an architect for your own world. Change is possible in ways you would never have imagined. You can keep your energy up by reducing calories. Begin by eating lighter foods, then add peas and parsley to your diet.
If you’re just starting to get to know someone then it might not be as passionate as you expected. This aspect suggests that you are likely to speak a lot. However, it is possible that through conversations your mutual appreciation grows exponentially. Your words are allowing you to explore some interestingly taboo topics.
“Your work isn’t to change who you are; it’s to find people who are able to give you the connection you need. Because despite what you feel, you are not too much. You are not too sensitive or too needy. You are thoughtful and empathetic. You are compassionate and kind. And with or without anyone’s acknowledgment or affection, you are enough.”
Colors of the day: Vermillion, Peach
Lucky Numbers of the day: 6, 4
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: F, T
Cosmic Tip: Try not to overindulge yourself in a particular activity, take adequate rest.
Tips for Singles: You are your best company.
Tips for Couples: Patience is the real virtue.