This is going to be one of those times, when you may be experiencing an unexpected event. You are going to charm a lot of people around you. Keep in mind that you need to put the effort in if you won’t get along well with people out there at home or work. There can be a feeling of getting pulled from all sides, as you are being indecisive about choosing one option. Think before making any decision, because out of emotion you can land upon a bad choice. Take a wise approach today Scorpio.
Health-related issues, such as colds, coughs, and other airborne diseases, may also annoy you. Pay attention to what you consume and don’t skip your workouts. Make meditation a regular part of your health regimen.
Scorpio, you have got a situation here that is going to benefit you and your lover. You might be quite needy today, but that’s okay with your partner. Your partner is trying the best to make you feel loved and there is no disappointment in the picture. You might want to live this moment a little more longer. A sensitive conversation may come up today, but you are going to be an understanding person to your partner.
“To ‘let go’ sometimes makes us feel like losers because it means giving up what truly we felt we had a right to. But true strength lies in resisting the urge to hold onto things and people that bring us down.”
Colors of the day – Orange, Light pink
Lucky Numbers of the day – 2,8
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with – S, H, L
Cosmic Tip – Speak out.
Tips for Singles – Get ready to start on a self-journey.
Tips for Couples – It’s never late to apologize, seek pardon from each other.