Some urgent matters may make you worry that you might need to delay a vacation. Taurus It’s easy to get into a funk about it. You could end up in a situation that is not right for you. You can have an amazing time if you manage your time well and budget.

There’s a way to stop feeling angry and cranky, but you probably won’t want it! Refocus your attention on yourself and take a break. Turn on your favorite music and cut fresh flowers. Place them in each room. You can refresh your environment and ask yourself what you’re doing wrong. Everybody gets lost from time to time. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that each day holds the possibility of starting again.

Although you may be an authority figure, trust is a common trait among authority figures. You wonder about others’ motives and understand only so well your own. It is possible that the authority behind your romantic relationship is also you, however, it may be based on personal matters. Relax knowing that you are loved and appreciated.

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”

Colors of the day: Green, Red

Lucky Numbers of the day: 6, 9

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: F, J

Cosmic Tip: Work hard, and watch how the doors of opportunity open for you.

Tips for Singles: Go on dates by yourself, and be comfortable in your own company.

Tips for Couples: Go for couple activities if you feel the bond weaken.

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