Getting in touch with your feelings is critical to personal growth. This can sometimes be daunting for an ultra-practical person like you, who is more comfortable in the realm of tangible objects than elusive emotions.

Sneak off to a private place where you can connect with your heart today. Ask yourself what you need to be happy; the answer may surprise you.

If you’re driven to partake in an activity that has nothing to do with work, have at it. It will be so nice to do something for pure pleasure.

Don’t underestimate your ‘drawing power’ now. People might gravitate toward you, reminding you of the truth in the saying about success often being about who we know rather than what we know.

If there’s a point you’re keen to make, then make it now as others could connect strongly with your message.

Your ideas are a breath of fresh air to this attentive audience. Share them generously.

Today’s New Moon occurs in your solar third house, dear Taurus, bringing the need to start fresh in the areas of communicating, connecting, learning, and everyday affairs.

How you organize your daily life and divide your attention are called into question, and a reworking of these things may be in order.

It’s time to put out feelers, take in new ideas and information, and be open to the need for more intellectual stimulation. However, watch for taking on so many activities or commitments that you feel overwhelmed.

There can be new channels emerging for expressing yourself in new ways or new equipment that may open up different opportunities and experiences. There can be motivation to let go of outdated attitudes or conditions so that the path is clear for new beginnings.

The Sun forms its yearly opposition to Saturn today, pointing to the possible need to deal with a roadblock or reality. If you’ve let something go or neglected a responsibility or errand, it can now come back to your attention.

You might recognize the limits of time or energy for a project. Take this opportunity to make more mature and informed decisions.

While criticism may enter the picture, you may be able to learn from it. Aim to downsize or pare down rather than take on more.

Today’s Quote: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 18, 23, 31, 35, 39

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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