The Sun has just completed its yearly, month-long transit of your sign, dear Taurus, and is now transiting your resources sector until June 21st.

This is a grounding cycle that’s sure to feel good after a busy few weeks. You’re shifting gears, and your focus is turning to issues of security and comfort.

Money and possessions can assume more importance in your life in the coming weeks, and so can matters of convenience, sensual enjoyment, and activities that remind you of the simple pleasures in life.

You’re in the position to make the most of your natural talents and abilities. It’s a good cycle in which to discover what it is you truly value.

Putting more energy and effort into your work can have its payoffs, and with go-getting Mars concurrently transiting your career sector, you’re in an excellent cycle for improving your bottom line or pouring more energy and heart into achieving your goals.

You realize how critical it is to communicate your needs clearly to those closest to you. However, you’re hesitant to reveal too much now because five planets have recently changed signs, and you’re still adapting to the new and unfamiliar landscape.

Don’t let anyone coerce you into saying more until you are ready. In the meantime, consolidate your position and clarify your goals.

Today’s playful and romantically charged lunar vibes bring some much needed fun and lightness into play, after what has been a fairly heavy seven day period, which only came to an end yesterday.

With your birthday month over you’re able to look to the future and the journey ahead. What makes this extra special is that these playful lunar vibes form a friendly aspect to the planets still in Taurus and those in an adventurous part of your chart.

Bruce Lee said, “Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 6, 28, 41, 45, 46, 48

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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