The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart today, dear Taurus, and you’ll be bringing more strength and personality to your public or professional life until February 18th.
Your ego and identity are tied more closely to your professional or social standing, what others think of you, and your ability to meet your responsibilities. Letting these things slide will make you fret!
You also stand out more than usual others notice what you have or haven’t done. As long as your needs for approval are balanced and moderate, they can serve a useful purpose. You can come to a high point of the year with your career or reputation.
You can be particularly motivated to reach your goals during this month-long cycle. Your ruler, Venus, in a challenging aspect with Neptune today can cloud your vision temporarily, however. It can also play with your mood, motivation, and drive.
Areas of life that may be up in the air or unclear include friendships, boundaries in your relationships, work, and intimacy. Questions of who’s in your corner can be raised now, or there may be blurred boundaries with someone you care about.
The good news is that you’re making room for new and improved goals and turning your focus to those things that matter the most.
Competing goals don’t have to cancel each other out today, especially when they can coexist or even complement each other. As you set priorities or create an itinerary for the day, hold balance as an ideal.
When you make time for what is important to you, it soon becomes clear that it is indeed possible to have your cake and eat it, too. You are a dynamo and you know it; showing your true colors allows the world to witness your magic at work.
During the Sun’s first full day in your career sector, an eclipsing Full Moon brings a familiar work/life balance reminder, but in every sense, this is a relic from the past.
This is a hangover from when there was a constant policing of a balance between your home and professional lives, from May 2017 to November 2018.
While the professional pace has eased back, it will pick up again. This is not a return of work/life balance policing of the past and is instead a one off, timely reminder.
Today’s Quote: “It is better to look ahead & prepare than to look back & regret.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 9, 12, 45, 49
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Good
Love: Fair
Business: Fair