While the Moon spends the day in your soulful fourth house, dear Taurus, it can be challenging to connect richly with others today, as much as you may want to.

People’s reactions to you may tug at your insecurities or undermine your confidence. Reacting by pulling into yourself or the opposite, trying too hard, won’t serve you well, so it may be best to find a middle ground.

Even better, tend to your own needs and at the same time keep yourself open and approachable enough that if others want to join in, they can.

Note that Venus, your ruler, forms a few awkward aspects today and timing can be off, or you could be dealing with small inconveniences.

Avoid letting your insecurities cloud your vision of a person or a project. Consider that you may not be seeing people and possibly even things for their real value just for now.

There are so many chores you want to finish today, but since you can’t do them all you must decide where to focus your energy.

You might be feeling a bit frazzled while your key planet Venus is pushed and pulled by the planetary tides, flooding your 3rd House of Distractions with one interesting possibility after another.

Setting priorities is complicated when others are so positive about your future they encourage you to do everything.

Nevertheless, listen to your inner guidance and pare back your ambitious goals before you find yourself in over your head.

The Sun’s departure from Taurus today brings your birthday month to a close, but not in the way that resembles any other solar year in the past eight decades.

For the Sun leaves behind Uranus, who is in the early days of his first visit to Taurus since leaving in 1942.

Fortunately, you have Mercury on board, with a chance to get your head around both your game plan and resolutions for this new solar year and expanded world view that is starting to emerge.

Today’s Quote:“Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.”

Lucky Numbers: 19, 22, 32, 34, 37, 39

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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