There is likely to be some restlessness today, dear Taurus. While you’re seeking a little more intimacy or depth in your relationships and projects, you’re sensitive to any of these things that seem to be infringing upon your independence right now.

A Jupiter-Uranus aspect occurring now reminds you of the need for a change of pace, particularly on an emotional level but also with how you approach your intimate life. It can be a time for breaking out of a relating rut or a specific routine that’s not getting you the results you crave.

Taking smalls steps toward making constructive changes rather than making sudden or dramatic moves is your best bet. Not recognizing your need for refreshment can lead to irritating disruptions or even immature behavior.

Self-awareness helps you to act rather than react. Fortunately, you are more fluent than usual when it comes to expressing your ideas. This is a time for a bright idea or intellectual win.

The Moon’s move to the bottom of your solar chart later today can bring on a real craving for familiarity and comfort, however.

Clearing the air with loved ones may require you to dig into the past and revisit old wounds. It’s awkward to talk about painful issues, but an emotional catharsis is often necessary to move forward.

Release yourself from the need to be right and pass on the temptation to prove a point. A defensive posture only feeds a mutual stubbornness that delays forgiveness and change.

Err on the side of courtesy and respect since repressed feelings are likely to surface today. However, expressing your heart can prove invigorating fodder for deeper connections. Taking the high road leads to peace.

Two days ago the Moon and Mercury, the planet of communication returned to your communication sector within hours of each other but only one leaves today.

It is the Moon that moves on, having done what it could over the last few days to give your emotional responses a voice and to bring a mix of intuition and logic, imagination and intelligence together.

Communication is something that has become more supported and more important than ever, especially with the Moon coming full circle from last month’s Full Moon in your relationship sector next week.

Today’s Quote: “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”

Lucky Numbers: 14, 20, 38, 40, 42, 46

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good


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